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Kitten Contract

**Standard Contract**
Some litters may have minor adjustments
**Updated 9/16/2020**

Section 1: Breeder's Information
Cattery Name:
Breeder's Name:
City, State, Zip:
Phone #:

Section 2: Buyer's Information
Cattery Name
Buyer's Name:
City, State, Zip:
Phone #:

Section 3: Payment Information
Kitten Price:
Non Refundable Deposit:
Any Additional Charges:
Final Payment Details:

Section 4: Kitten Information
Kitten's Name:
Date of Birth:
Litter Information:
Kitten Description:

Section 5: Father's Information
Registration Name:
Registration #:
FIV           FELV         FIP             SMA         PKD         HCM 

Section 6: Mother's Information
Registration Name:
Registration #:
FIV  X     FELV  X     FIP   X       SMA   X    PKD   X  HCM  X

Section 7: Deposits and Selection
Invicta Maine Coons allows selection of specific kittens after their first visit with a veterinarian at 8 weeks old. This guarantees the kitten is in good health, confirms color, pattern, gender and more. Before selection, Invicta Maine Coons offers a waiting list. When the kittens turn 8 weeks old and after visiting the veterinarian, a non-refundable reserve deposit of $300 can be made to reserve and select a specific kitten. We will contact the first person on the waiting list and work our way down each person will then have 48 hours from notification to pick or pass. Waiting list people are allowed to pass, reserve or even remove themselves from the list. Waiting List will always be current on the website at Breeder has first option in any breeding. Final payment and any addition charges (ex. Boarding) will be due at pick up; kittens will be available for pick up after their inspection from the veterinarian at their 12-week-old exam. ** Some litters can be reserved as early as 4 weeks**

Section 8: Agreements
     We, as breeders, strive for perfection by selectively breeding cats that possess the soundness, type, temperament and personality that is reflected in the breed. The kitten is believed to be in good health and is sold in good faith. The breeder makes no warranty or guarantee that this kitten will be more than just a pet.
     Careful breeding practices have been followed in our breeding program and reasonable precautions have been taken to prevent and avoid any possible inherited or progressive conditions. Certain screening schemes like– Fiv, Felv, SMA, HCM, PKD are used when possible and copies of the results will be provided. However, should this pet develop serious genetically linked diseases before reaching the age of (30) months as diagnosed by a licensed veterinarian, the affected pet will be returned to the breeder, unless negotiated. A refund will be given up to the original purchase price and no greater, or if you would like a replacement kitten, this will be made available from another available litter. If choosing a replacement kitten, the refund is no longer applicable.
     If any disease or injury is linked to said kitten, (2) veterinarian opinions will be required for proof. (1) veterinarian of your choice, paid by the buyer, the 2nd will be a veterinarian of the breeder’s choice, paid by the breeder. If there is a difference in results, a 3rd veterinarian will be used for final say and conclusion, this veterinarian will be a veterinarian both buyer and breeder agree on, the expenses will be paid for by the breeder.
     This kitten has been inspected by a veterinarian prior to the sale. The buyer agrees that this kitten will be examined by a licensed veterinarian within (72) hours or 3 business days of purchase/pick up. If the veterinarian determines the kitten to be ill or for any reason unacceptable, buyer may return the kitten and receive a full refund, provided the kitten is in the same condition as at the time of purchase. If the kitten is returned due to illness, a verified letter from the veterinarian is required.
     The primary concern is for the welfare of this kitten, therefore, if for any reason the owner can no longer keep said kitten in their home, then the kitten is to be returned to the breeder. This helps keep our pets out of shelters. This means you are not allowed to re-sell, re-home, donate, relinquish said kitten at any time. When returning the pet back to the breeder, the owner/buyer will transfer all ownership and records. This comes with no refund.
     The buyer agrees that this kitten will be kept in appropriate conditions for its welfare and health. It will be fed a suitable diet for its age and condition and have appropriate exercise available. The buyer agrees that said kitten be given proper medical care including but not limited to, vaccinations, de-worming, and annual veterinarian exams. The buyer also agrees this kitten will be kept under appropriate control and will not be neglected or maltreated in any way. The buyer attests that he or she has not been banned from keeping any animals by any legal court order. I guideline for care can be found under Dogs and Cats – Best Management Standards/Care in Minnesota Laws Chapter 642 section 8.
     I agree not to declaw my cat. My cat will be an indoor cat and not be allowed to roam freely outdoors. I will only allow my cat outdoors under controlled and supervised circumstances, such as on a leash for example.
 Said kitten is not allowed to be euthanized for any reason unless the breeder is contacted and consents.
     This kitten is sold under “Spay/Neuter” agreement. The buyer is responsible for spaying or neutering this kitten prior to 12 months of age, registration will be given once proof of spay/neuter has been provided. Buyer agrees not to breed this kitten. Buyer agrees to pay breeder monetary damages of $5,000 and any related attorney fees for breeder if the kitten is bred.
     Kittens must be picked up when they turn 12 weeks of age and after completing final vet exam, unless other scheduling plans are made. The kitten can be held for 1 week after, after 1 week each day will inquire a $25 boarding fee. After 2 weeks, you relinquish your rights to said kitten. Said kitten will be resold and you will be removed from the waiting list, losing your deposits.

Section 9: Declaration and Signatures

Declaration – I/we confirm that I/we have read and had a full explanation of all the details and meaning of this contract and I/we fully understand its purpose and reason. I/we confirm that I/we are in full agreement. I/we also confirm that I/we are purchasing this kitten for myself/ourselves and not as an agent/broker or for a third party.

Buyer's Printed Name

Buyer's Signature
Seller's Printed Name
Seller's Signature

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Invicta Maine Coon
Mantorville Minnesota USA

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